Three ISO Certificates
Three ISO Certificates
Dorbena is certified according to the following three ISO standards:
Three ISO Certificates
Dorbena is certified according to the following three ISO standards:
Environmental as well as resource-saving raw material extraction and production, toxin-free (pollutant-free) and biodegradable products up to the complete reuse or return of the materials to the origins, this is what recyclable comforters and pillows stand for.
The international and producer-independent DOWNPASS Standard documents the ethical procurement of the down and feathers from ducks and geese. Keeping animals in cages and force feeding are prohibited, plucking down and feathers from live animals is forbidden. The downpass is a criterion for the SWISS GUARANTY VSB label.
We get 100 % of the electricity we use from renewable energy sources. The company’s own photovoltaic plant of Dorbena AG has been supplying around 50 % of our electricity requirement since as far back as 2010; we draw the rest from ecological water power from LiStrom NATUR.
The comprehensive hygiene protection for healthy and restorative sleep – No bacteria, no mites, no odour
The duvets and pillows treated with Sanitized® enjoy Sanitized® protection.
The protection from mites, bacteria, mould fungus and unpleasant odours is laundry-proof and features a long-term effect lasting a number of years. Presence of the protection has been proven even after 50 washing cycles.
All fabrics can be treated with Sanitized®.
Further information is available directly on the Sanitized website
DORBENA uses the latest temperature-regulating PCM technology (Phase Change Material) from NASA space exploration, incorporating it into the high-quality, very cuddly duvets, pillows and mattress covers with Outlast®. This evens out temperature fluctuation.
Outlast® fibres with PCM absorb excess heat, store it and release it again. The benefit is that perspiration is greatly reduced and an active, dynamic temperature regulation achieved. The “sleeping den” remains dryer and the sleeper enjoys a relaxing night’s rest.
Further information also available directly on the Outlast website
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) guarantees the use of cotton fabrics produced in accordance with biological criteria.
GOTS also guarantees humane working conditions, fair wages and the observance of minimum social standards.
Further information available directly on the GOTS website
Our products are distinguished with the OEKO-TEX® label
All the fabrics we use are certified to the nationally and internationally recognised OEKO-TEX® standard. This label guarantees compliance with threshhold levels and safety regarding possible special fabric finishes.
Further information available directly on the Ökotex website
The Nomite label is an internationally-registered trademark of the Association of the European Bed Feather and Bedding Industry and distinguishes mite proof woven bedding fabrics. Dorbena uses this 100 % mite-proof woven fabric in all bedding.